Now on View - An Emphemeral Public Art Festival
Parts of the email letting me know I got selected to be in this Art Festival.
"Thank you for submitting a proposal for Now on View. The faculty, staff, students and community stakeholders that comprise our selection committee carefully evaluated and discussed each proposal submitted for consideration. This year's application pool included an exciting range of concepts and engagement strategies that thoughtfully connected with the festival's theme, making the decision process both rewarding and challenging."
"After carefully reviewing all applications, I am delighted to announce that your proposal has been officially recommended for the project!"
83 Degrees article

Central Concept of the Installation:
The installation is called “The Interdepedent Pavillion.” The concept is to create an unique space for the contemplation an realization of our interdependent existence; the idea that all things come into being through the mutual dependent interactions of various causes and conditions.
As Tampa Bay continues to grow and rapidly transforms, “The Interdependent Pavillion” aims to help our understanding that we are integrally connected to, and not apart from, our amazin ecosystem rich with abundant species of birds, many types of insects including colorful butterflies, along with our iconic dophins and manatees thriving in our natural springs, rivers a oceans. Furthermore, we can’t exclude the centuries old majestic oak trees, the many species of plants, and marshlan where cypress groves, alligators and turtles flourish.
Accordingly, the Pavillion is designed to represent a microcos of our interdependent landscape incorporating symbolic plants insects, water dwellers, land and air animals into the curated space. The inclusion of humans in the Pavillion completes th microcosm of interdependency.
In essence, the degradation or extinction of any one element i our ecosystem will cause degenerative impact in this region. The aim, therefore is to utitlized our awareness and insights stemming from the installation to help guide our actions, deed and decisions in the preservation and sustainability of the Tampa Bay region, inclusive of all.